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Grading requirements

Belt Syllabus and Testing Criteria (Singapore Taekwondo Federation)

Taekwondo belts hold significant meaning, symbolizing the progress and skill level of practitioners. Within Singapore's Taekwondo framework, students progress through different belt levels, and are assessed based on a set criteria for each level. It's essential to pass one level before advancing to the next. However, 'Double Promotion' can be granted if a student excels in patterns, basic kicks, sparring, fitness, and maintains a positive attitude during lessons.


The decision for 'Double Promotion' is made by the Federation Examiner in consultation with the Coach in charge.


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation conducts quarterly assessments for grading or promotion tests. These events hold significant importance for trainees, offering them a chance to assess their progress in the sport. The grading requirements outlined on this page serve as guidelines and may be subject to periodic changes by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation.


In Taekwondo, a Poom is a junior black belt, usually awarded to young practitioners who have attained a black belt level but may not have reach the age of 15. The purpose of the Poom system is to recognise the achievements of younger practitioners and offer a route for their ongoing development in Taekwondo. Poom holders can progress to a standard (Dan) black belt upon reaching the suitable age, without the need for additional testing.


In Taekwondo, a Dan is a black belt rank that represents a practitioner's level of expertise and experience. Unlike the coloured belts, which signify the various stages of training up to black belt, Dan belts indicate a black belt holder's continued progression beyond the initial black belt rank.


Book a personalized, one-on-one Taekwondo lesson with Momentum Taekwondo via Google Meet. This session is designed for students seeking individualized guidance on refining their Taekwondo patterns and understanding any mistakes they may be making, with full personalised coaching support. To schedule a lesson, click the button below.


*Please note that lessons will be conducted online, and students or parents must have a Google account.

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